How To Fix Uneven Vinyl Plank Flooring

If you’ve ever walked across uneven vinyl plank flooring, you know how annoying and even dangerous it can be. Whether…

If you’ve ever walked across uneven vinyl plank flooring, you know how annoying and even dangerous it can be. Whether it’s due to improper installation or damage over time, unevenness in vinyl plank flooring can cause tripping hazards and detract from the overall appearance of your space.

Luckily, fixing uneven vinyl plank flooring is a task that can be tackled with a bit of know-how and elbow grease.

First and foremost, it’s important to identify the cause of the unevenness in your vinyl plank flooring. This could be due to an uneven subfloor, damaged planks, or improper installation techniques.

Once you’ve determined the cause, you can take the necessary steps to fix the issue and ensure your flooring is level and safe to walk on.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know to fix uneven vinyl plank flooring, from leveling the subfloor to proper installation techniques and maintenance tips.

Identifying the Cause of Unevenness

Pinpointing the root cause of irregularities in the surface texture of the aforementioned resilient synthetic material requires a thorough examination of the underlying factors at play.

One common mistake that homeowners make is not properly preparing the subfloor before installation. If the subfloor is uneven or has signs of wear, it can lead to an uneven vinyl plank flooring. Signs of wear can include cracks, gaps, or soft spots in the subfloor.

Another possible cause of unevenness in vinyl plank flooring is improper installation. If the planks are not joined tightly together or are not cut to the correct size, it can lead to gaps or bulges in the flooring. Additionally, if the planks are not acclimatized to the room temperature and humidity before installation, it can cause expansion or contraction that can result in unevenness.

Lastly, unevenness can also be caused by the quality of the vinyl plank flooring. Low-quality materials can have varying thickness or uneven edges that can lead to an uneven surface. It’s important to choose a reliable and reputable brand when purchasing vinyl plank flooring.

By identifying the root cause of the unevenness, it’ll be easier to determine the appropriate solution to fixing the issue.

Leveling the Subfloor

If you want your new vinyl plank flooring to look great and last for years to come, it’s important to ensure that your subfloor is level before you begin the installation process. Uneven subfloors can cause your vinyl planks to buckle, warp, or even break. So, before you start laying down your new flooring, take the time to level the subfloor properly.

The first step in leveling your subfloor is to properly prepare the floor. This means removing any old flooring, cleaning the surface thoroughly, and checking for any structural damage. This will help ensure that your new flooring will be installed on a stable surface.

Once you have prepped the floor, you can begin to level it by using a self-leveling compound. A self-leveling compound is a cement-based material that is poured onto the subfloor and spreads out to create a smooth, level surface. This compound is applied in a liquid form and then self-levels to create a flat, even surface.

Self-leveling compounds are a great option for leveling subfloors because they are easy to use and provide a level surface quickly. Using a self-leveling compound will ensure that your vinyl plank flooring will be installed on a stable and level surface, which will help prevent any future issues with unevenness.

Replacing Damaged Planks

When you notice a damaged plank in your beautiful new vinyl flooring, it’s important to replace it as soon as possible to maintain the sleek and polished appearance of your floors.

Before replacing the plank, you’ll need to gather the necessary tools, which typically include a circular saw, hammer, chisel, and replacement planks. It’s important to measure the damaged plank and purchase a replacement that matches the size and style of your existing flooring.

One common mistake when replacing damaged vinyl planks is failing to properly remove the damaged plank. It’s important to use the chisel and hammer to carefully remove the damaged plank, taking care not to damage the surrounding planks.

Once the damaged plank is removed, you’ll need to cut the replacement plank to fit the space, making sure to leave a small gap around the edges to allow for expansion. Use adhesive or snap-together connectors to secure the replacement plank in place.

After replacing the damaged plank, take a step back and inspect the area to ensure the replacement plank is level with the surrounding planks. It’s important to take your time and ensure the replacement plank is properly installed to prevent future issues.

With the right tools and techniques, replacing a damaged vinyl plank can be a simple and straightforward process that will keep your floors looking beautiful for years to come.

Proper Installation Techniques

Properly installing replacement planks is crucial to maintaining the polished appearance and longevity of your beautiful new floors. One common mistake that many people make is not properly measuring the plank before cutting it. This can lead to an uneven fit, which defeats the purpose of replacing the plank in the first place.

Make sure to measure the length and width of the damaged plank precisely and cut the replacement plank accordingly. Another alternative solution to ensure proper installation is to apply adhesive to the tongue and groove of the replacement plank. This will help secure the plank in place and prevent it from shifting or moving.

Additionally, make sure to use a tapping block and mallet to gently tap the plank into place, ensuring a tight fit. This will also help prevent any gaps or unevenness in the flooring. Lastly, it is important to remember to stagger the seams of the replacement planks.

This helps ensure a natural look and prevents any noticeable patterns from forming. It also helps distribute weight and pressure evenly across the entire flooring surface. With these proper installation techniques, your vinyl plank flooring will look as good as new and will last for years to come.

Maintenance Tips to Prevent Unevenness

Maintaining a beautiful and long-lasting vinyl plank floor requires proper maintenance techniques to prevent any potential issues from occurring. Regular cleaning is one of the most important things you can do to keep your vinyl plank floor looking great.

Dirt, dust, and debris can accumulate on the surface of the floor, causing it to become uneven. Vacuuming or sweeping the floor on a regular basis can help prevent this from happening. Be sure to use a soft-bristled brush or a microfiber mop to avoid scratching the surface of the vinyl.

Moisture control is another key factor in maintaining an even vinyl plank floor. Vinyl plank floors are highly resistant to moisture, but they are not completely waterproof. Excess moisture can seep into the seams of the flooring and cause them to expand or contract, leading to unevenness.

To prevent this from happening, be sure to wipe up spills and moisture immediately. Place mats or rugs in areas where water is likely to accumulate, such as near entryways or in the kitchen.

In addition to regular cleaning and moisture control, it’s also important to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning tools on your vinyl plank floor. These can damage the surface of the flooring and cause it to become uneven or discolored.

Instead, use a mild detergent and warm water to clean the floor, and avoid using steam cleaners or wax-based products. By following these simple maintenance tips, you can keep your vinyl plank floor looking beautiful and even for years to come.


In conclusion, fixing uneven vinyl plank flooring requires a multi-step approach that begins with identifying the cause of the unevenness.

From there, you may need to level the subfloor, replace damaged planks, and ensure proper installation techniques are used to prevent future issues.

It’s important to remember that maintenance is key to preventing unevenness in the first place. Regularly cleaning your floors and avoiding moisture can go a long way in keeping your vinyl plank flooring looking and performing its best.

By following these tips and taking a proactive approach to maintenance, you can enjoy beautiful, even vinyl plank flooring for years to come.

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