How To Remove Glued Linoleum Flooring

Removing glued linoleum flooring can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done…

Removing glued linoleum flooring can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be done efficiently and effectively.

Before beginning the removal process, it is important to assess the type of glue used, as this will determine the best method for removal.

Once you have determined the type of glue, it is important to properly prepare for removal. This may include removing any furniture or appliances from the room, wearing protective gear such as gloves and goggles, and ensuring proper ventilation.

In this article, we will discuss various methods for removing glued linoleum flooring, including using heat or solvents, as well as specialized tools.

By following these steps, you can successfully remove the old flooring and prepare the subfloor for new installation.

Assessing the Type of Glue Used

Let’s take a moment to figure out what kind of adhesive was used for this project, so we can get to work on freeing up the surface underneath.

Testing adhesives is the first step to removing glued linoleum flooring. You can start by lifting up a corner of the linoleum and examining the adhesive underneath.

There are different types of adhesives used for linoleum flooring, such as vinyl adhesive, mastic, and contact cement.

Vinyl adhesive can be removed with a scraper or a heat gun, while mastic and contact cement require a more complex removal process. If you’re unsure about the type of adhesive used, it’s best to consult a professional removal service to avoid damaging the subfloor.

Professional removal services have specialized equipment and expertise to safely remove glued linoleum flooring. They can also assess the condition of the subfloor and recommend repairs if necessary.

However, if you prefer a DIY approach, make sure to wear protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, and follow safety guidelines when using tools and chemicals. Removing glued linoleum flooring may take some time and effort, but with the right tools and techniques, you can achieve a smooth and clean surface for your next flooring project.

Preparing for Removal

Before starting the process, it’s essential to ensure that the area is well-ventilated and all necessary safety equipment, such as gloves and goggles, is worn. We need to take the necessary precautions to protect ourselves from any potential harm.

Additionally, we should protect the surrounding areas by covering them with plastic sheets or drop cloths to prevent any damage or stains.

To make the removal process easier, we need to prepare the linoleum flooring by scoring the surface with a utility knife. This will help loosen the glue and make it easier to remove. We should score the surface in a diagonal pattern to create several small sections that can be easily lifted.

Once we have scored the linoleum, we can use a scraper or putty knife to lift and remove the flooring.

Removing adhesive residue is an important step in preparing the surface for new flooring. We can use a solvent or adhesive remover to soften the glue and make it easier to remove. However, we need to ensure that we choose a product that is safe for the type of flooring we will be installing.

After applying the solvent, we can use a scraper or putty knife to remove the residue. It’s essential to use caution during this process to avoid damaging the subfloor.

By preparing the area, scoring the surface, and removing adhesive residue, we can ensure a successful removal process. Taking the time to properly prepare the area and protect ourselves and the surrounding areas will make the process easier and safer.

With these steps, we can remove the glued linoleum flooring and prepare the surface for new flooring.

Using Heat to Remove Glue

You may be surprised to learn that using heat is one effective method for getting rid of the stubborn adhesive that’s been holding your old linoleum flooring in place. However, it’s important to note that heat application safety should be a top priority when using this method. Protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a respirator should be worn to avoid burns and exposure to fumes.

Before using heat, it’s important to try alternate glue removal methods first. These methods include using a scraper, solvents, or a combination of both. If these methods don’t work, then heat can be used as a last resort.

A heat gun can be used to soften the adhesive, making it easier to scrape off. However, it’s important to use the heat gun carefully and avoid getting too close to the flooring to prevent scorching or burning. When using heat to remove glued linoleum flooring, it’s important to work slowly and carefully.

Start by heating a small section of the flooring and then use a scraper to remove the softened adhesive. Repeat this process until all the adhesive has been removed. It’s also important to keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case of any accidents.

By using heat, you can effectively remove the adhesive and prepare your subfloor for a fresh new flooring installation.

Using Solvents or a Specialized Tool

If you’re struggling to get rid of persistent adhesive, try using solvents or a specialized tool to make the process easier and more efficient.

Before using any solvent, it’s important to prioritize chemical safety. Make sure to wear gloves and protective eyewear to prevent any contact with the skin or eyes. Also, make sure to work in a well-ventilated area or wear a respirator mask to avoid inhaling any fumes.

When it comes to solvents, there are several options available. Acetone, mineral spirits, and denatured alcohol are all effective in breaking down stubborn adhesive. However, it’s important to note that these solvents can have a negative environmental impact. Proper disposal is necessary to prevent any harm to the environment.

Additionally, using a specialized tool such as a scraper or a floor stripper can help remove the adhesive effectively without the use of solvents. Using a specialized tool can save you time and effort in removing glued linoleum flooring.

A floor stripper is a powerful tool that can easily remove the adhesive by scraping it off the surface. It’s important to use the tool properly to avoid damaging the subfloor or any surrounding areas. Make sure to read the instructions carefully and wear protective gear before operating the tool.

With the right tool and proper safety precautions, removing glued linoleum flooring can be a breeze.

Preparing the Subfloor for New Flooring Installation

Now that the old linoleum flooring has been removed, it’s important to prepare the subfloor for the new installation.

Subfloor repair may be necessary if there are any cracks or damages that could affect the new flooring’s stability. It’s important to ensure that the subfloor is level and smooth to avoid any bumps or dips in the new flooring. Any protruding nails or screws should be removed or hammered down to prevent them from damaging the new flooring.

Another important step in preparing the subfloor is installing a moisture barrier. This will help prevent any moisture or water from seeping through the subfloor and damaging the new flooring.

A moisture barrier can be made of different materials such as plastic or felt paper. It should be installed on top of the subfloor before the new flooring is installed. It’s important to make sure that there are no gaps or overlaps in the moisture barrier to ensure maximum protection.

After the subfloor has been repaired and the moisture barrier has been installed, the new flooring can be installed. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for the new flooring installation.

This will ensure that the new flooring is installed correctly and will last for a long time. By taking the time to properly prepare the subfloor, you can ensure that your new flooring will be stable, level, and protected from moisture.


In conclusion, removing glued linoleum flooring can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it’s possible to do it yourself.

The first step is to assess the type of glue used, as this will determine the best method for removal. Once you’ve determined the type of glue, you can prepare for removal by clearing the area and protecting yourself with safety gear.

One effective method for removing glue is using heat, which can soften the adhesive and make it easier to scrape off. Another option is using solvents or a specialized tool, such as a floor scraper or sander.

After removing the linoleum and the glue, it’s important to prepare the subfloor for new flooring installation by cleaning and smoothing it out.

With these steps, you can successfully remove glued linoleum flooring and prepare for a fresh new look in your space.

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